2024 INFORMS ServiceScience CFP.pdf

Conference Scope and Theme

2024 INFORMS Conference on Service Science (ICSS2024) program committee is committed to organizing a quality program with diverse participants who will share their visions, knowledge and experience in Service Science Research, Education, and Applications. The conference theme is Foundation Models and Infrastructure Intelligence for Sciences Transformation.

This conference presents an excellent opportunity for you to present your Service Science related research, education, and implementation work, to learn about the emerging technologies and applications, and to network with international leaders and professionals in the field. We sincerely invite you to submit a paper/ abstract.

Abstract or Paper Submission/Areas of Interest

Abstracts or Papers are welcome in any area of Service Science Research and Applications including but not limited to:

  • Service Theories and Development; Service Research, Education, and Practice
  • Service Management, Operations, Engineering, Design, and Marketing
  • Smart Cities, Sustainable Systems, IT and Service System Analytics, and Self-service Systems
  • Public Health Service, Policy, Administration, Response, and Systems
  • Smart and Intelligent Service, Healthcare Analytics, FinTech, Learning Analytics, and Others
  • Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Data-driven Decision Making
  • Systems Modeling, Management, and Simulation in Manufacturing, Supply Chain, Logistics, and OthersAI, Data Analytics, and Data-driven Applications in Health, Energy, Finance, Transportation, Sport, Governmental/Public Services, etc.

Submission & Publication

The conference welcomes submissions of both original unpublished research (full paper or 1 page abstract), published work (abstract only), and posters. All full paper submissions must be written in English, at most six(6) pages long (including figures, tables, and references) and submitted as a word or PDF file. All full paper submissions will be peer reviewed. Accepted full paper will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be submitted for potential inclusion in EI or CPCI (Web of Science). Accepted abstracts will be arranged for oral presentations, but not included in the conference proceedings.

This year’s conference will be organized using Tracks. Please select the Track for which you think your paper has the best fit. We are accepting Track proposals (see Important Dates below) but currently, we plan to have the following Tracks:

  1.  2030 Digital Health and Society;
  2. Big Data, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Data-centric Applications;
  3. Digital Economy and Sustainable Development;
  4. Healthcare Analytics;
  5. Information-Driven Service OM;
  6. Intelligent Hybrid Consensus Algorithms;
  7. Machine Intelligence for Online Social Networks & Recommender Systems;
  8. Machine Learning and Data-driven Decision Making;
  9. Mobile Technologies for Healthy Aging in Healthcare;
  10. Risk and Optimization for Service System Considering Digital Transformation;
  11. Warehouse and Intralogistics System.
  • The conference will organize (1) Best Paper Award, (2) Best Student Award, and (3) Best Application Award competitions. Only full papers are qualified for the paper awards. The finalists selected by the award committee must present their work at the conference (virtually or on-site) to compete for the awards.

Important Dates

  • Mar. 15, 2024 Apr. 30, 2024    Deadline for paper and abstract submission
  • Apr. 15, 2024  May. 10, 2024   Acceptance/Rejection notification
  • May. 15, 2024 May. 20, 2024    Final camera-ready papers and copyright transfer form

General Inquiry:

Email: servicescience2024@gmail.com

* The safety and well-being of all conference participants is our highest priority. The conference might be held in either a hybrid or virtual format due to the safety need and travel restrictions